College Unbound is a non-profit institution to give adult undergraduate students the opportunity to achieve their degree combining on-line courses, weekly cohort group meetings and project for credit work.
Brenna D Evans is an ordained minister, former missionary and pastor as well as owning her own small business. After fifteen years living in Latin America, and raising her children in three different countries, she has a global view of situations that women face, regardless of skin color, economic demographics or nationality. While living abroad, Brenna helped develop faith-based community events focused on the health of the family; spirit, soul and body. A two-time survivor of Domestic Violence, Brenna joined Sojourner House’s production of The Vagina Monologues in 2014 as one of the players in order to have the opportunity to join with many voices, until we appear as one, and say NO MORE to violence against women. In 2015 she not only participated on the stage, but also behind, as co-director of Sojourner House’s bilingual production.
Now, as a full-time student, she is working on a business plan for a new prototype of emergency housing shelter for Domestic Violence survivors.