About The Event
UPDATED EVENT - Meet at the UTAH STATE CAPITAL. There in the Rotunda we will have a short program explaining what SHEROES United is and WHY we RISE with One Billion Rising. There will be a Scholarship awarded to one woman vetted out that will provide her with one Year of Training and Coaching. We will be entertained by a Wonderful Polynesian Cultural Dance Group. And Many other surprises. Then you and your family will Participate in the Largest Flash Dance OBR Event in UTAH. Men, Women and Children all all welcome. Wear your SHEROES Swag or Red, Black, White, or Pink Combinations. Costumes and creative clothing are always welcome. Family Friendly of Course. If you have not attended one of these events this will be the time to do so. Our event grows every year and you will walk away feeling overjoyed and Empowered. Food will be available at a special rate in the Capital Cafeteria. Please dress in layers as it may be very cold. This is an event that over ONE Billion People are doing in Unison. SO BE PART OF THE CHANGE. Rise with US!!! SHEROES United will have a Booth there to purchase items like Shirts, Hats, Bling, Jewelry
There will be drawings and Prizes.
****PRE-REGISTER TEXT 801-999-8049 Give your name, Email address, and Phone Number
About The Organization
SHEROES United Organization
SHEROES United provides a safe venue for women to find their voice, share their stories, connect them to powerful resources and education to heal and to empower the next chapter of their story to become a SHERO in their own life & community.
Our purpose and passion are creating a movement of positive, critical change through each of our three key pillars. We address:
• Abolishing Human Trafficking
• Eradicating Domestic Violence, and
• Supporting Women Warriors.
About The Organizer
Commander Celeste Gleave, Rene Johnson, Bridget Cook-Burch, Mandy Nell Aguirre
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