About The Event
Let us rise and dance.
Come one, come ALL, women and men!!!
At 10:00AM we gather for a light warm up, community opening circle, then dance, sweat and pray with the simple yet profound intention to be alive and present in our bodies with our tribe and allow all expression of the body, heart, mind and spirit to be expressed through sacred movement...for these 2 precious hours we allow the words to fall away and our body to express each truth of our being.
1 in 3 women worldwide will experience sexual assault and other types of violence. We MUST reverse this trend!
Details: 10AM - 2PM
Fly Loft 117 N. Boston Ave
Cost - $10 minimum...It is a fundraiser so give generously!
All proceeds benefit DVIS and Women In Recovery.
No previous dance experience is necessary. All that is required is an open heart, curiosity, a sense of humor, and compassion, particularly for ourselves.
At 12:00PM we will continue to CELEBRATE women's power on our planet with the Break The Chain dance, joined by Women In Recovery and women from DVIS, poetry, laughter, tears and more dancing.
We celebrate and lift up women but we need our men too in order to change the global tide, bringing balance and peace to our world. This portion of the event is held at Guthrie Green 111 E. Brady in downtown Tulsa. Donations accepted!
Contact Mia at 918-629-5686 or
[email protected] for answers to your questions or to VOLUNTEER!
About The Organization
About The Organizer
Margaret Leighty
Margaret Leighty (Mia Pearl) is a mover, an activist and a devoted women's advocate. She works with women in crisis at the local emergency shelter, sometimes teaches yoga with Women In Recovery, works diligently to raise the consciousness in her local community and LOVES to dance! Margaret is an Apprentice Guide on the SheddingSkins Path and hosts regular ecstatic dance events.
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