About The Event
This year in Gibraltar Citizens Advice Bureau are escalating our efforts, calling on women and men to join us in the global call for justice and to gather safely & harmoniously in places where Justice is served or public gathering places where women and girls deserve to feel safe but too often do not. Citizens Advice Bureau has chosen the Piazza, outside Parliament where our laws are written and enforced, to RISE for JUSTICE.
Our aim is to bring together the judiciary, police, authorities, entities, groups, schools, etc., who deal with the “ripple effects” of violence and make this special global day an AWARENESS DAY in Gibraltar.
Justice should be available for all victims of violence; domestic, racial, sexual or any other and thus allow people the restoration of their human dignity.
About The Organization
Citizens Advice Bureau Gibraltar
Free & Confidential.
Impartial & Independent.
Advice & Information.
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