About The Event
Warm Greetings!
Nepali feminist group, and the proponents of peace, justice, and human rights invite you to join them in the street on the Global day of action on 25 September 2021, SATURDAY. This Global Day of Action Nepal, along with countries around the world, is taking a stance to stand in solidarity with the women, children, and minority population of Afghanistan. This demonstration is to send a powerful message to the Afghan people – and women specifically – that they are not alone. It is also to remind the Afghan Government that we see what they are doing and will not back down until all Afghan people live with the full human rights they deserve.
Date: 25 September 2021, Saturday
Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: Patan Krishna Mandir at Lalitpur
About The Organization
One Billion Rising Nepal
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