About The Event
On the occasion of the visit of the eminent feminist Gloria Steinem and Donors from the United States to AAWW at Forbesganj, Bihar, over 800 women and adolescent girls from the different Kishori Mandals and Mahila Mandals participated in a huge rally at the Araria Mahila College. Women and girls walking the rally from Gauri Chowk to Araria Mahila College with placards in hand shouted slogans against violence against women, sexual violence, child marriage and demands for justice. Dr. Abhilasha Kumari, Executive Director walked along with the rally and gave the welcome speech before the gathering of over a thousand women, men and girls. She stated the importance of such a rally, the getting together from across borders to reinstate our fights for justice and end all forms of violence against women. This was followed by 4 girls of our Kishori Mandals singing songs relevant to the issue. The girls also presented a play depicting how child marriage and trafficking adversely affects a girl and deprives her of her right to education and safety. The play was greatly enjoyed and appreciated by those present. The gathering was also addressed by Md. Kalam and Fatema, who are from the community and has been a part of AAWW for past ten years in all its struggle against sex trafficking and prostitution. Basuki Nath Jha, Principal, Araria Mahila College also addressed the gathering, congratulating AAWW for organizing such a program.
The gathering was then addressed by Prof. Ruchira Gupta, Founder President, AAWW and eminent Feminist scholar & activist Gloria Steinem. Gloria spoke about a coming back to the grounds of Araria Mahila College as it was her second visit. She spoke about how she could feel and understand the movement growing with the enormous participation. She expressed her solidarity with the struggle of all women and girls of AAWW. Ruchira Gupta spoke about the days of initiating the organization, the struggle & the hurdles, the journey of all these years and where we are standing now. The program ended with a vote of thanks and pledge to further our struggle against sex trafficking prostitution and work towards accessing rights and justice for the women and girls.
About The Organization
Apne Aap Women Worldwide
Organizes women in prostitution and caste- based communities trapped in inter-generational prostitution to end sex trafficking in the red-light areas of Bengal, Bihar, Delhi and Haryana in India.
About The Organizer
Apne Aap Bihar Field Office
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