1 Billion Rising Events


France > Paris > Esplanade Trocadero > 2016-02-14 > 01:03 pm

About The Event

Esplanade Trocadero / PARVIS DES LIBERTÉS ET DROITS DE L'HOMME. This 2016 FRANCE-PARIS will be rising, and through dance we will express ourselves against injustice. The power of global solidarity and collective action has been seen in past years and this will not be an exception. Chaque année, des centaines de pays S'ELEVENT contre la violence faite aux femmes. En 2016 c'est au tour de PARIS et de la FRANCE de s'élever et à travers la danse nous nous exprimerons contre cette injustice.

About The Organization

Sciences Po Students Collective

About The Organizer

Mariana Ruenes

Master student in Sciences Po, Paris. Founder of @SINTRATA (MX)
Have been participating in the coordination of One Billion Rising (MX) massive event for the last 3 years.

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