About The Event
For two consecutive years since 2013, we have risen, and danced to show the people in Aklan, especially those victims of gender based violence and discrimination, show our political leaders and service providers that in Aklan – we do not tolerate VIOLENCE.
One Billion Rising is a promise that we will rise up with women and men worldwide to say, "Enough! The violence ends now."
According to the report given by the Aklan Provincial Police Office – Women and Children’s Protection Desk last January 22, 2014, we have a total of 841 Recorded and Filed cases on Crimes committed against women for year 2014, a higher number than 582 cases in 2013. With this increasing trend of reported violence, we do not want to assume that there are more unreported cases. Thus, the Province of Aklan thru the Aklan Gender and Development Commission together with all NGA and CSO partners take a strong stand in preventing if not totally eradicating Violence Against Women and their Children cases, and in the process urging more women victims of abuse to speak out, seek for help and avail of the Government’s services.
Men rising and youth rising are also strong points of this One Billion Rising Campaign in Aklan, together with Men Opposed to Violence Everywhere (MOVE) Aklan Chapter, youth peer educators and leaders – we will shake the world and join the global campaign to ending violence – because we love our women and children in Aklan.
Together, we will stage a revolution against all forms of discrimination and abuse against women, men and children in Aklan. Join us in our fight.
About The Organization
Aklan Gender and Development Commission (AGADC)
The Provincial Government of Aklan thru the Aklan Gender and Development Commission spearheads One Billion Rising. The Aklan GAD Commission is the oversight body for mainstreaming gender in the province, including the implementation of the GAD Code and otherlaws/ordinance on emerging gender issues. The Commission is a government body that will be primarily responsible for providing directions, coordinating and monitoring gender and development and women’s empowerment in the Province of Aklan.
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