1 Billion Rising Events

One billion rising in Pavullo’s school

Italy > Pavullo nel Frignano > Via Matteotti 2/4, 41026, Modena > 2024-02-14 > 10:00 am

About The Event

The Cavazzi high school protest against gender violence. On the 14th of February the students from the Cavazzi high school will meet in the school’s parking lot to protest, a peaceful way to raise our voice against injustices and violences. During the event students will be wearing red clothes. There will be music and there will be sheets where students can sign and write a meaningful sentence.

About The Organization

Cavazzi-Sorbelli high school

The Cavazzi high school is one of the two schools in Pavullo nel Frignano. A thousand students go to the school each year, so it’s an important resource for the Frignano territory.

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