About The Event
The action One Billion Rising for justice is about envisioning justice for all survivors of gender violence. It was initiated by the V-Day, a global movement to end violence against women and girls, in 2013 the first time.
They called women and men all over the world to shook through dance to end violence against women and girls.
In over 207 countries people were participating in this action with a dancing flashmob at the song ,,Break the Chain“.
This year we want to organize this action also, in Tetovo, to harness our power and imagination to rise for justice.
We want to organize an event with a flash mob for ,,One Billion Rising for Justice" in the Center of Tetovo, in front of the Center of Culture. Everybody who wants to participate is welcome to join us for the learning session of the coregraphy and the final event.
The idea of One Billion Rising for justice includes the statistic that one of three women will experience violence in their lifetime. This are one billion women all over the world.
So one billion women and men are invited to walk out, dance, rise and demand, to end this violence. The collective strength, number and solidarity across the borders towards V-Day and to all women worldwide shall be shown through this.
We want to fight for justice, because justice is respect for ourselves, for other people, for nature and understanding, sharing, choosing everyday remembering that.
We were born to continue creation, to remember our divine nature in this human form.
Justice must be justice for everybody, otherwise it’s privilege.
Equality, harmony, balance, joy of linving, self confidence, courage, counsciousness, love may help to obtain justice.
Since justice is not reached for everybody you have to pay attention to this topic, take a look around and step in situation where it is necessary it is necessary to raise for justice.
Join us and dance for justice, to end violence agains women and girls!
About The Organization
LGTB United, MOF, CBC LOJA, Forumi Gruas, RDDA Sonce Tetovo
About The Organizer
Bekim, Anna, Eli
In fact we are a group of people who want to organize this event here in Tetovo in cooperation with some local NGOs.
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