1 Billion Rising Events

One Billion Rising for Justice – Praha

Czech Republic > Prague > Namesti Kinskych > 2014-02-14 > 04:00 pm

About The Event

ENGLISH BELOW STOP KYBERNÁSILÍ na ženách a pomáhajících odbornicích/-nících Oběti domácího násilí, ženské organizace bojující za práva žen a organizace a profese, které pomáhají týraným ženám a dětem, jsou velmi často vystaveny kyberútokům ze strany agresorů. Tito útočníci v anonymním kyberprostoru vystavují lživé, urážlivé a výhružné informace o jednotlivcích i organizacích, které značným způsobem ovlivňují pracovní i soukromý život postižených osob a organizací. Síla internetu spočívající v jeho dostupnosti pro velké množství lidí, tak dává těmto útokům obrovskou sílu. Útočníci zde mohou utajit svou identitu a tak zůstávají nepotrestáni. Oběti kybernásilí propadají bezmoci, vyčerpanosti a únavě a útočníci tak dosahují svých cílů. STOP CYBERVIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND THE SPECIALISTS STRIVING TO HELP THEM Being attacked in virtual space can hurt just as much as face to face. There is no such thing as virtual trauma. Trauma is always a real experience. Victims of domestic violence, women's rights organizations and the various professions that strive to help battered women and children are often exposed to cyberviolence by their aggressors. These attackers remain anonymous in cyberspace and put forth false, abusive and/or threatening content about individuals and organizations that significantly affect the working and private lives of the people therein. The power of the internet and the vast amount of people to which it is available can give perpetrators of violence a great deal of power with which they can attack. Online they may conceal their identity and thereby go unpunished. Victims of cyberviolence suffer from powerlessness, terror and exhaustion meanwhile the perpetrators achieve their goals. Let's acknowledge the importance of cyberviolence, strengthen the laws against it and demand justice for the victims! Organized by Česká ženská lobby with support from proFem o.p.s., V-Day Prague International Voice and Ozvi se! / HollaBack! Czech

About The Organization

Czech Women's Lobby


Česká ženská lobby je síť neziskových organizací, která hájí práva žen v České republice. Je součástí Evropské ženské lobby, která sdružuje ženské a genderové organizace Evropy a spolupracuje s evropskými institucemi.

Pořádá s podporou proFem, o.p.s., V-Day Prague and Ozvi se! / HollaBack! Czech

Czech Women’s Lobby is a network of non-profit organizations promoting women’s rights
in the Czech Republic. Czech Women’s Lobby is a member of the European Women’s Lobby,
joining women’s and gender organisations in the European Union and cooperating
with European institutions.

We are organizing this in cooperation with proFem, o.p.s., V-Day Prague and HollaBack! Czech

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