1 Billion Rising Events

One Billion Rising con Percorso Donna e Center Stage

Italy > Pesaro > Piazza del Popolo Pesaro > 2025-02-15 > 04:00 pm

About The Event

Every year we meet in Pesaro, in Piazza del Popolo, for rising up our voices, dancing and manifesting against the violence on women. Percorso Donna is an association bades in Pesaro, it was born in 2009 and gave life to the centro antiviolenza Parla Con Noi, where lots of women can find help, and every year set up the OBR event in collaboration with Center Stage, which is a dance school. This year we will dance in Piazza del Popolo, in Pesaro, at 4 P.M.

About The Organization

Percorso Donna APS

Born in 2009 in Pesaro, Percorso Donna is an associstion which is promoting events for the popolation and for school against the violence over women. The organization is also one of the co founding of the centro antiviolenza Parla Con Noi, where every woman can find help, legal and psychological assistance.

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