ASIAN WOMEN AT WORK Inc is a network of Asian migrant women workers that empowers, resources and assists women to stand up, speak out and take collective action to advocate for their rights and develop strategies that improve women’s lives, end exploitation in the workplace and home, obtain secure employment and enable them to understand and contribute to Australian society. Asian Women at Work Inc has a current member of 2000 migrant women workers in low paid and precarious employment.
Ph: (02) 9793 9708
Email: [email protected]
THE IMMIGRANT WOMEN'S SPEAKOUT ASSOCIATION is a key community-based organisation that provides information, referral, support services and represent the issues and ideas of CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) women.
The IWSA delivers services that address the vital needs of CALD women, in particular those who are homeless and at risk of being homeless due to domestic and family violence.
Our core service is Homeless Multicultural Women Integrated Support Service (HoMWISS) for CALD women. We also have Multicultural Women's Shelter and Community Hub.
Ph: (02) 9635 8022
Email: [email protected]