1 Billion Rising Events

One Billion Raising at Piece of Sky

Hong Kong > Hong Kong Island > Unit 1207, 41 Heung Yip Rd, Wong Chuk Hang > 2017-02-11 > 1630-1800

About The Event

1 in 3 women across the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. That’s ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS. Every February, we rise – in hundreds of countries across the world – to show our local communities and the world what one billion looks like and shine a light on the rampant impunity and injustice that survivors most often face.  We rise through dance to express joy and community and and celebrate the fact that we have not been defeated by this violence. We rise to show we are determined to create a new kind of consciousness – one where violence will be resisted until it is unthinkable. THIS YEAR, WE ARE RISING IN SOLIDARITY AGAINST THE EXPLOITATION OF WOMEN. So we are all going to gather at Piece of Sky - Creative Arts Therapy and Counseling 創意藝術治療及心理輔導 and dance, making a statment to stand up and STOP VIOLENCE against women (all human actaully) We'll be dancing nad filming it to upload on the One Billion Rising website and other social meda to raise awareness. Don't worry you do not need any dance background/ training as it is NOT about how well you dance but the cause. Register at https://goo.gl/forms/K9maOfY8FePqgFuI2

About The Organization

Piece of Sky- Creative Arts Therapy and Counseling

Piece of Sky is a Creative Arts Therapy and Counseling agency that aims to provide acceptance and safety for all those who walk in the door to create their own piece of sky, to follow their dreams and achieve it with all their potentials
No, you do not have to be limited to just a piece of sky, however, it's a place to start.
Piece of Sky 創意藝術治療及心理輔導中心致力為每位受助人提供一個安全及被接納的環境,讓受助者發輝自己最大的潛能。對於生活壓力如感情問題,親子,家庭關系,工作壓力,精神創傷等得到支持和抒緩。

About The Organizer

Candy Lo

Candy Lo, MA,R-DMT( Academy Eligible), RDT, CCLS
Founder of Piece of Sky( www.piece-of-sky.com) .
Registered Dance/Movement Therapist, Academy Eligible
Registered Drama Therapist
Certified Child Life Specialist
Baby Signing Time Instructor
Honorary Lecturer at University of Hong Kong (Master in Expressive Arts Therapy Program) and instructor of Medical Humanities for Medical students
Secretary of Hong Kong Dance Movement Therapy Association

Candy received her Diploma in Drama at The Academy for Performing Arts, BA in Musical Theatre Dance from London University of Arts ( London Studio Centre) and worked for Hong Kong Disneyland as a singer for three years prior to her therapist career. After leaving Disney, Candy furthered her study and gradated from Antioch University New England with a MA in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counseling.

Candy's clinical experience includes working with children and adults in various developmental and mental status. She works in settings like hospitals, mental health facilities, legal system, schools, etc. She has experience working in the United States, Hong Kong, China and Belgium.

Candy is fluent in English, Cantonese, Mandarin and speaks simple Flemish and basic American Sign Language.

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