About The Event
On 14 February 2013, one billion people in 207 countries rose and danced to demand an end to violence against women and girls.
This year, we are escalating our efforts, calling on women and men everywhere to RISE, RELEASE, DANCE, and demand JUSTICE!
Here in Hong Kong, locals and migrants will join hands to collectively rise against POVERTY, SLAVERY, and SOCIAL EXCLUSION and demand justice for Erwiana and all migrant domestic workers.
One Billion Rising for Justice – Hong Kong
Rise for Justice… for Erwiana and all migrant domestic workers.
About The Organization
Justice for Erwiana and All Migrant Domestic Workers Committee
Jointly organized by:
• Asian Migrants’ Coordinating Body (AMCB-IMA)
• GABRIELA Hong Kong
• Jaringan Buruh Migran Indonesia (JBMI – Network of Indonesian Migrant Workers)
• Justice for Erwiana and All Migrant Domestic Workers Committee (J4EMDW)
• OpenDoor Hong Kong
• Association for the Advancement of Feminism (AAF)
• Consider the Trouble
• Slutwalk Hong Kong
Join us… Rise with us!
Tel. 9747-2986 (English) | 6221-6714 (Bahasa) | 6088-9416 (Cantonese)
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