About The Event
Venue - MONUMENT 5pm, FEB 14th...
Same as last year - and more! http://vimeo.com/59729283 (last year)...
Women take the lead, men are welcome to come along, support us and join in...
Countdown...here's what's happening...
FLASHMOB - if you can, wear One Billion Rising colours - black, red, pink, orange and bring a placard (or grab ones we made earlier) and gather around Monument before 5pm...
The Bangshees will play for 10 minutes, suddenly stop - those with placards raise them (Martine to take the lead because she's tall) and walk slowly to performance area (Monument facing Grey Street)...
Prop up placards around Monument base and take up positions. Music starts. Dance as if the whole world is watching! It doesn't matter if you don't know the steps - FREESTYLE! -
After the dance a few words on the megaphone, then Hannabiell Sanders and Yilis (Ladies of the Midnight Blue, check'em out) do their groovy thang. MORE FREESTYLE!!! - or...just come and support us :) -
5.45pm - AFTER-PARTY/BENEFIT, £4/£2 at CU House (see above). Refreshments for sale, bring some food for us to sell, bring your own booze, bring your talent and do a turn, (help sell tickets, tidy up, etc, thank you)...
If the weather's bad we'll be somewhere under cover...watch this space...
Break the Chains dance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HgSAk9eFxg (they do a step-by-step tutorial too)...
Spread the word - and RISE - IN NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE!
About The Organization
The Women's Space/North East Feminist Gathering
http://www.nefeministgathering.com/ - non-profit group set up to run feminist-themed events.
The Women's Space - non-profit group set up to run weekly meetings to support women, skills share, campaign, etc
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