1 Billion Rising Events

Indanza One Billion Rising Rovereto

Italy > ROVERETO (TN) > Centro Pace, Via Vicenza 5 > 2019-02-12 > 08:30 pm

About The Event

Indanza One Billion Rising Rovereto Martedì 12 febbraio 2019 alle ore 20.30 serata speciale presso Centro Pace di Rovereto (TN), in Via Vicenza 5. Balleremo le più belle danze del Bal Folk con Simone e, per One Billion Rising 2019, ripeteremo la coreografia di Break the Chain, poer spezzare le catene della violenza contro donne e bambine!

About The Organization


An evening of fun and friendship
with ethnic dancing from many cultures

-" Dancing for Peace" is a project which has been developed to promote peace and non-violence through the sharing of cultural values. It was organized by the "Permanent Center for Peace Education".

-To build a peace culture, with values coming from ethnic dancing. -To live in balance with one's body, and with all people.
-To develop the concept of a flexible , harmoniosus and natural lifestyle.
-To recapture one's inner rhythm of life through more focused breathing, walking and running.
-To have an awareness of the passing of time like the movement of the wind and the waves.

The dance
-Those attending this event will not be expected to give a performance, only to enjoy these dance with us. Our aim is not that you acquire perfect or competitive-level techniques, but rather that you patecipate and enjoy the dancing.

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