About The Event
This event is an informal gathering for learning to find the self to be a source of strength and clarity, even during difficult times. In order to really establish peace in the world we must learn to be people who are comfortable experiencing the experience of peace. Often our home, school and work environments have given us very little opportunities to learn how to tune into the experience of peace and the feeling of what OUR love feels like when it is Radiating out from within. We are taught that we are empty of love and must go around like beggars seeking it, but this is not the Truth about Human Beings, we all have the Love we need within, we just need a little instruction, a little freedom, and a little time and we will be able to find that We are The Source of All We Need. This event begins gathering at 6, where people can meet informally and have a tea, etc. At 630 a short talk will be held where I will share my experience of the heart meditation from the different points of veiw I have encountered on my journey, and then I will share the instructions (which are multilayered, and flexible, for all learning styles) and we will have time to sit in the stillness together for group silent meditation. We will end the gathering with a yogic practice of imagining the self as the moon, becoming love, and then as the sun, radiating love to all the world. This is a non denominational experience open to all persons with an open mind and heart.
About The Organizer
Vicki Van Winkle
I am a woman who has surived a lifetime of traumatic events, and has gone on to learn about means and methods of recovery for my own healing as well as to assist as many others as I can to heal from traumatic life events. The unseen effects of violence on our society need to be confronted and dealt with on all levels. My part is to assist individuals and groups to be aware of inner violence and the hidden violence of the language loved ones use to speak to one another under daily life stress, how to give up being a generator of violent tones and how to become a source of love and radiant peace for yourself and others as often as possible and as strongly as possible.
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