1 Billion Rising Events

Esperanza Dance Project’s One Billion Rising Flashmob

United States > Tucson > 1200 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85721 > 2025-02-14 > 04:30 pm

About The Event

Esperanza Dance Project, a Tucson-based non-profit organization committed to using dance to eradicate stigma, secrecy and shame associated with surviving childhood sexual violence, will host the Tucson chapter One Billion Rising on Valentines Day. This event will be held on the University of Arizona Main Campus just East of Old Main on the grassy area/Mall. 1200 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85721 on Friday February 14th, 2025. We will gather at 4:30PM. Join us in performing the flashmob "Break the Chain" as we rise in solidarity to end gender-based violence and rise for freedom against all systems of oppression. If you have a t-shirt from last year wear it again! This event is free and open to the public.

About The Organization

Esperanza Dance Project

The Esperanza Dance Project is a community-based collaboration that uses a multimedia dance performance to educate about the issue of childhood sexual violence and deliver a message of hope, strength and empowerment. Our mission is to eradicate stigma, secrecy and shame associated with surviving childhood sexual violence. The Esperanza Dance Project's vision is that all high school students in Arizona learn to recognize warning signs associated with sexual abuse, feel comfortable discussing it openly and compassionately, and become familiar with local resources for support.

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