About The Event
One Billion Rising For Justice: A Public Awareness-Raising Event
11.30am-3pm Durham Market Place
* Percussion duet Ladies of the Midnight Blue warm the crowd (from 11.30).
* Speeches from high profile public figures & campaigners (from 12-12.30 & 2.30-3) including Police & Crime Commissioner Ron Hogg, MP Roberta Blackman-Woods, Criminology Professor Nicole Westmarland & many more…
* Featuring a 200-strong flashmob dance with local women & girls, performance poetry, women’s testimonies, up & coming local female comedians Catherine Scott & Natalie Wicks, local musicians including Sinead Florence Livingstone & many others.
* Stalls with information about organisations, services & campaigns that support women & girls. To exhibit, contact
[email protected]
14th Feb - Welcome To Our World – Premiere of Durham Women Rising’s Film Screening - Gala Cinema - 11am, 12.30pm, 2pm
A diverse range of short films from around the world that raise awareness of the issues women & girls face whilst celebrating their lives & cultures.
(duration 1.5 hours but feel free to drop in & out)
If you would be interested in bringing this film screening to a venue near you, contact
[email protected]
14th-20th Feb - Informational Exhibition – The Strategies & Tactics Used To Promote & Resist Violence & Abuse Against Women & Girls -| Clayport Library.
How does our culture implicitly condone Violence Against Women & Girls? What could we do differently to eradicate it?
About The Organization
Durham Women Rising
Durham Women Rising is a group of individuals, artists, public sector and voluntary organisations working together to raise awareness of violence against women and girls in County Durham. In 2013 we held a successful event in Durham market place, this year we have planned a 2 month county wide festival which begins on February 13th and continues through International Women’s Day on March 8th and thereafter to Mothers’ Day on March 30th.
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