About The Event
The event includes the introduction and closing of the OBR for Justice Campaign, OBR film showing and the performance by Nighat Chaudhry (Classic Dancer) and her troupe. The sequence has been especially choreographed for OBR. It starts with voices from the past and present saying challenging things about women struggle in the past and the present times. The entire piece beautifully captures OBR’s essence of “Strike, Rise and Dance” - a celebration of women's courage and their determination to live and rise for justice. It's a tale of joy and sisterhood, a celebration of colour and strength and what women have gone through and still go through in their journey of life. The performance opens with 5 canvas on easels on stage, while 5 dancers in white sitting next to each easel and A famous Pakistani artist Humaira painting on one canvas. As she paints in one bold colour starting with red, (red symbolizing strength, sacrifice, periods, Sufi symbolism qalander etc. - celebration and red being the colour of joy in our context) the dancer rises. Putting the powder paint on her in the same colour, the dancer moves in the same rhythm as the artists strokes on the canvas and freezes in one position after some movement. The artist continues to move from canvas to canvas. The dancers keep rising and the bold colours start emerging on stage, the artist too is splashed with paint. Till the artist reaches the final 5th canvas, she will use all 4 colours used earlier on the previous 4 canvas along with a new colour. This is where all dancers dance together in harmony and togetherness. They are joined by a famous modern classical dancer in Pakistan, Mr. Wahab Shah, who dances in solidarity and support with the women. The ying yang factor, balance of power is visible - nothing is in isolation. Empowerment is to be celebrated by all. The background music is a combination of instrumental, prose and poetry. The piece ends with all the dancers dancing in harmony and celebrating life.
About The Organization
AMAL Human Development Network
AMAL HDN is official coordinator of OBR Campaign in Pakistan. AMAL is a Gender and Rights based HIV and AIDS organization, working since 1994. AMAL tackles the problems of HIV and AIDS in women and young people in two ways: the first is through its growing project portfolio, designed to bring about change in the lives of individuals and communities (including research, use of participatory media, advocacy trainings and IEC materials development). The second is through a series of advocacy events and collaborations with other organizations, intended to raise the profile of issues central to women and young people in Pakistan.
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