About The Event
I'm going to preface this with: I've never organised an event like this before.
Share this event. Come dance. Bring your stories of why you believe in justice, why you're rising for an end to violence against women everywhere.
The location is tentative. I don't know if there are any laws regarding obstructing traffic for a large gathering of people, so if any British person knowledgeable in such a matter could inform me, I'll do the paperwork or change the space.
I want to organise a huge group dance in Bath (evening seems best). I'm hoping there will be buskers nearby for music to dance to, but you don't exactly need music to dance, and someone's bound to have a phone with ridiculous speakers.
Don't be shy. This isn't a matter to be timid about. Dancing isn't going to directly affect an end to the violence, but it's just a demonstration of solidarity. To give hope. And really, I think we could all use a little more dancing in our lives.
If you're not [going to be in] in Bath on V-Day, check the One Billion Rising homepage to search for events in your area.
About The Organizer
Lauren Frances Scott
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