Carondelet High School is a four-year Catholic college-prep school serving young women of the San Francisco Bay Area. Founded in 1965, Carondelet's mission is to inspire excellence by preparing young women to live with heart, faith and courage in the Catholic tradition and the spirit of the Sister of St. Joseph. The goal of this event is to empower our students to be advocates for social justice and equality.
Ms. Daniel is the Director of Student Activities and has been the Carondelet High School student activity advisor since 1998. About six years ago, she became aware of One Billion Rising and V-Day, and ever since then, we have celebrated the day with educational videos from One Billion Rising, guest speakers, and interactive lunchtime activities. We teach the students the dance "Break the Chain," which is about breaking the chain of abuse, and we educate the girls about abuse toward women. Carondelet supports and embraces the idea that no one should be physically, emotionally, or mentally abused. Ms. Daniel is proud to be a part of empowering young women.