About The Event
This year, we kicked-off a 3 year project, Women and Girls Lead Global, in five countries (Kenya, India, Bangladesh, Peru and Jordan) to address myriad gender issues using international documentary films.
In brief, each country will campaign on one gender issue every year, and use ITVS films and new media largely, as the main campaign tool. In India we have decided to address gender based violence using the prism of masculinity and harmful gender role stereotypes. India campaign is branded as, ‘The Hero Project’. The idea is to encourage the men and women to redefine masculinity in a more positive way – and in the process, to redefine what it is to be heroic.
The Hero project would be successfully launched across the country in the districts of Maharashtra, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi, through our partner NGO, namely, ICRW, Centre for Health and Social Justice, Breakthrough TV, CARE India and Magic Bus.
We wish to launch the event in Delhi, with a film screening followed by a panel discussion on Sunday, December 15, 2013. This would be the first anniversary of the infamous Delhi gang rape that captured the imagination of India, last year. Our media partner for this event is India's leading english news channel, CNN-IBN. This would be a big event with a distinguished list of gender activists, government officials, and ministers.
About The Organization
Independent Television Service- Women and Girls Lead Global
Independent Television Service (ITVS), promote and fund international documentary film projects.
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