About The Event
RISE FOR AND WITH THE WOMEN OF AFGHANISTAN - LOS ANGELES will take to the streets on Saturday, September 25 in a day of global solidarity. Afghan youth and activists will meet on the Sunset Strip and march to West Hollywood Park for a program featuring Hameeda Uloomi (Founder of Afg-aid), Madina Wardak (MSW/ACSW Outreach & Partnership Coordinator Afghan Women’s Mission), Ariana Delawari (Multimedia artist & activist), Arash Azizzada (Co-Founder Afghans For A Better Tomorrow), Sultana Parvanta, and Rina Amiri (Senior Fellow and Director of Afghanistan and Regional Policy Initiative at New York University's Center for International Cooperation), Samia Karimi (Afghan dance artist & activist, ARTogether), with a special performance by Legendary Ustad Farida Mahwash & Voices of Afghanistan, with Aja Monet, Dylan McDermott, Sufe Bradshaw, and additional speakers to be announced*. Testimonies from Afghan women on the ground and RAWA (Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan) will be read.
WHO: Rina Amiri, Arash Azizzada, Sufe Bradshaw, Ariana Delawari, Aja Monet, Sultana Parvanta, Hameeda Uloomi, Madina Wardak, Samia Karimi, Dylan Mcdermott, Legendary Ustad Farida Mahwash & Voices of Afghanistan, And More*
WHEN: Saturday, September 25, 2021 - GATHER 12:30pm - Sunset Spectacular, 8775 Sunset Blvd - MARCH 1pm to West Hollywood park - RISE 2pm - 4pm West Hollywood Park, 647 N San Vicente Blvd
Required: Wear masks. Social distance.
About The Organization
One BIllion Rising
About The Organizer
Kate Fisher
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