I am Tania Susheila Govender Barker. I am a Trauma Alchemist connecting people to the possibility of their Hero’s Journey through multidimensional healing modalities. I am an Energy Healer, Life Retuner, Access Bars Practitioner, EFT practitioner, Master NLP practitioner- specialising in Generative Rapport and Trance.
I am native born South African living in the UK for the past 14 years. My family unit is made up of my husband John, 13 year old son Matthew, and 9 year daughter Melissa, but I also have an extended soul family here in UK and SA.
I myself was gang raped at the age of 16 and a few months ago a repressed memory of being molested at the age of 8 by the domestic worker emerged. I am a woman with a Trauma story who now embraces the entrepreneurial spirit of the universe to start my business to include and transcend the trauma of my childhood.
I declare boldly that I am the possibility of the spark that starts the fire. I am Tania S. Barker-The Trauma Alchemist.
I am a fun loving spark of possibility of justice for the One Billion women and children who are abused in the world.